
Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Sequence of the Golf Swing

By Jim Woolley

If you have ever played golf you will know that one of the hardest areas of the game to master is the swing, The whole sequence of the golf swing is of vital importance because if you can deliver a consistent swing with every shot then you are well on your way to becoming a decent golfer. So what are the basic components of a solid golf swing sequence?
Well the first part is the set-up. Before you start your swing you need to set yourself up correctly. This means placing your feet about shoulder width apart and parallel to your target at a 90 degree angle. Also your left foot should be pointing at the golf ball, although this last point is often determined by personal preference. Then you need to place the golf club directly behind the ball and point the middle of the head of the club directly at your target.
You are now ready for the next component of the golf swing sequence, the backswing. This should be as smooth as possible. Your arms should be in full extension to start with and then you should rotate your body slightly and bring the golf club smoothly above shoulder height until the club is in full extension.
Then you are ready for the next part of the swing which is the downswing. This needs to be just as smooth as the backswing to ensure that you hit the ball as straight as possible and close to your intended target. This is quite hard to do because it involves shifting your body weight from back to front and while you are doing this there is a lot of movement in your legs and hips. This requires careful control but it becomes a lot easier with practice.
Then the final stage is the actual striking of the ball and the all-important follow-through. You should obviously try and hit the ball in the centre and as you do so you should be transferring your weight to your front foot heel and the inside of your back foot. The follow-through should then be completed as fully and as naturally as possible so the club head finishes over your shoulder in extension.
Obviously a good golf swing requires hours of practice and usually a lot of technical corrections along the way, but hopefully I've given you a basic outline of the overall sequence of a golf swing.

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