
Monday, January 19, 2009

Monterez and Beringin

Saturday 17Jan09, tee off at 9.00 am at Monterez Golf Club. I always insist to tee off at the first nine i.e., hole no 1 then starting the game from back nine.

Hole no 10, there is a water hazard i.e., quite a large lake that you need to clear at least 160 meters. You cannot afford to fumble or mishit otherwise the ball will seek the water instead. So I think the best to start your game is from the first nine hole in order to give you a little more confident and by the time you reach hole no 10 your body has already warmed up.

Only 3 balls as the other friend could not make it. The players were Mohammad, Kassim and Sammuri.

Lembah Beringin
Sunday - 18Jan09. Venue: SSG Lembah Beringin. We tee off at 8.30am, after completed 18 holes, we break for lunch. After a short rest, we continue to play another 18 holes. It is an endurance to test your fitness.

The "crazy" players were:
  1. Mat Fuzi
  2. Frankie Cheang
  3. Wan Abd Malik
  4. Mohammad

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